Statistical report of the ACC on the budgetary and financial situation of the organizations of the United Nations system (1992)
This is the second in a series of statistical reports by the Administrative Committee on Coordination (ACC) on the budgetary and financial situation of organizations of the United Nations system. As indicated in the first report (A/41/593 and Corr.1), this series contains with a few modifications the statistical information previously included in the reports submitted by the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions to the General Assembly under its agenda item on administrative and budgetary coordination of the United Nations with the specialized agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency. For reasons given in the first report, both the first and the second documents in the series are being submitted to the General Assembly at its current session.
The data in the report are set out in tables which may be grouped under four subject headings, as follows:
(a) Regular budgets and assessed contributions:
Table 1. Approved regular budgets (1984-1993). This table shows, for each of the organizations appearing in the report which has an assessed regular budget and for each of the years from 1984 to 1993, the total amount of approved regular budget appropriations, including any supplementary estimates.
Table 2. Assessed contributions (1984-1993). This table shows, for each of the same organizations and the same years as in table 1, the total assessments payable by member States under approved regular budgets. Assessed contributions, relating to extrabudgetary activities, such as certain peacekeeping operations of the United Nations, are not included.
Table 3. Percentage assessments (1993). This table shows, for each of the States members of the organizations in the preceding tables, the percentage amounts of the assessed contributions payable under approved regular budgets in 1993.
Table 4. Collection of assessed contributions (1991-1992). This table shows, for each of the same organizations as in the preceding tables, the percentage of the current year's assessed contributions under approved regular budgets that was collected at 30 June and at 30 September of the two most recent years for which such data are available (1991 and 1992). The table also shows, by organization, the total amount of ail assessed contributions under approved regular budgets that were outstanding as at 30 September in the same two years.
(b) Working capital funds:
Table 5. Working capital funds (1993). This table shows, for each of the same organizations as in the preceding tables, the level of working capital funds in relation to the level of approved regular budget estimates for the period 1993, and for the corresponding financial period.
(c) Expenditure and receipts of voluntary contributions
Table 6. Extrabudgetary resources: Expenditures (1990 and 1991) This table shows expenditures of resources in cash or in kind outside approved regular budgets by each of the same organizations as in the preceding tables, and by organizations financed by voluntary contributions, in the two most recent years for which such data are available (1990 and 1991). Expenditures for all activities for which organizations are executing agents are taken
into account except that, as in table 2, data relating to extrabudgetary peace-keeping operations are excluded.
Table 7. Extrabudgetary resources: Receipts of voluntary contributions in cash (1990 and 1991) - This table shows voluntary contributions in cash received by each of the same organizations as in table 6, in the same two years (1990 and 1991). The figures represent cash resources contributed directly to the organizations concerned and are thus less comprehensive than the extrabudgetary expenditure data in table 6.
(d) Staff resources
Table 8. Staffing levels (31 December 1991) - This table shows regular budget and extrabudgetary staff in post, as well as participants in the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF), in each of the same organizations as in table 1, plus the World Food Programme (WFP), at the most recent date for which such data are available (31 December 1991).
In common with document A/47/593, the present report does not include the former table C in the reports of the Advisory Committee ("Regular budget contributions to technical cooperation activities"), which will be reinstated in revised form as soon as data can be collected in the new format to be devised for the related ex post facto reports on agency support costs prepared for the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
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