High-Level Committee on Management (HLCM)

  • Chair: Ms. Catherine Pollard (USG, Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance)
  • Vice-chair: Ms. Kelly Clements (UN Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR)
  • Reporting to: Chief Executives Board for Coordination

HLCM, established on 27 October 2000, identifies and analyzes administrative management reforms with the aim of improving efficiency and simplifying business practices. The Committee is comprised of senior administrative managers from the member organizations of the United Nations system who meet twice a year. 

HLCM acts on behalf of and in the name of CEB on matters affecting the administrative management of all member organizations, both multi-sectoral and specific to a given area

The Committee is authorized to take decisions on behalf of the Executive Heads and to identify, promote and coordinate management reforms that will improve services, achieve productivity improvements and increase efficiency and effectiveness across the United Nations system.

Please see the HLCM terms of reference and appendix on HLCM methods of work.

  • High-Level Committee on Management (HLCM)


  • HLCM - Terms of Reference_full.pdf

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