

Type of products
  • High-Level Committee on Programmes (HLCP)

    Joint Statement of the United Nations Chief Executives Board for Coordination to the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States

  • Chief Executives Board (CEB)

    Joint Statement of the United Nations Chief Executives Board for Coordination on the review of the common system compensation package by the ICSC

  • Chief Executives Board (CEB)

    International Migration and Development: Contributions and Recommendations of the International System

  • Chief Executives Board (CEB)

    Youth System-Wide Action Plan (SWAP)

  • Human Resources Network (HRN)

    Confidentiality Guidelines (April 2010 - final version)

  • Human Resources Network (HRN)

    Example on the application of the non-regression principle

  • Chief Executives Board (CEB)

    CEB Joint Statement to Rio +20

  • Chief Executives Board (CEB)

    Common CEB Statement on the Outcome of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development

  • Chief Executives Board (CEB)

    Statement of the United Nations Chief Executives Board for Coordination to the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries

  • Chief Executives Board (CEB)High-Level Committee on Programmes (HLCP)

    The follow-up to and implementation of the Outcome of the Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact

  • High-Level Committee on Programmes (HLCP)

    Advancing Work on Adaptation to Climate Change: A UN system perspective

  • High-Level Committee on Programmes (HLCP)

    UN System Statement of Purpose: COP15