Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

United Nations system organizations work to uphold the values of the UN Charter, which, among other things, strives “to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small.” UN organizations employ people from the membership of their Member States and hire based on the highest standards of merit based on article 101.3 of the UN Charter.

Prompted by the 2020 global reckoning on institutional and systemic racism, the Secretary-General launched a campaign of dialogue and action against racism and established the Task Force on Addressing Racism and Promoting Dignity for All in the United Nations. This was based on the recognition that the UN system is not immune to racism and racial discrimination and that racism, exclusion and marginalization affect workforce morale, undermine commitment, hamper the delivery of mandates, and go against human decency.

At its Spring 2022 session, the High-Level Committee on Management (HLCM) directed the Human Resources Network (HRN) to establish and lead a timebound multidisciplinary Working Group (WG) of Focal Points on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) comprised of Diversity Experts.

Three sub-groups were established, working respectively on:

  • a) a UN System DEI Glossary;
  • b) a DEI vision and set of principles;
  • and c) a collection of DEI good practices.

At its Spring 2023 session, HLCM requested the HRN, through its DEI Multidisciplinary Working Group to lead an initiative to advance disability inclusion in an integrated and cross-functional manner, in close consultation with the Secretary-General’s Disability Inclusion Team. As a result, a fourth sub-group was established to address the topic.

This page contains the latest versions of the DEI Glossary, DEI Vision and set of principles and collection of good practices as endorsed by the HLCM at its 46th session in 2023.

  • Business Operations
  • Disability Inclusion
  • Leadership
  • Occupational Health & Safety
  • High-Level Committee on Management (HLCM)
  • Human Resources Network (HRN)
  • Toolkits


  • DEI Vision and Principles.pdf

    PDF | 243.77 КБ

  • DEI Compilation of Practices.pdf

    PDF | 418.54 КБ

  • DEI Glossary.pdf

    PDF | 525.73 КБ