2006/07 Annual Overview Report

This report provides an overview of major developments in inter-agency cooperation within the framework of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB), during the period covering its fall 2006 and spring 2007 sessions.

The CEB initiated a dialogue encompassing the main global policy issues facing the international community, initiated a process of harmonization of United Nations management practices and addressed the integration of policy, management and operational activities within its framework.

During the reporting period, CEB, supported by its High-level Committee on Programmes, addressed a number of programme issues with system-wide implications. Those included issues that required the development of a coordinated response from the United Nations system, such as employment and decent work and the midterm review of the Brussels Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries. Other topics were addressed from the perspective of developing common understanding and coherent responses to emerging issues on the international agenda, and ranged from system-wide coherence and the “One United Nations” system at the country level to aid-for-trade.

The report is available in other UN official languages at the UN Official Documents System.

  • Inequalities
  • Gender Equality
  • Sustainable Development
  • Sustainable Development Goals
  • Chief Executives Board (CEB)
  • Annual reports


  • AOR_2006-07_E200769.pdf

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