The HLCM Human Resources Network (HR Network) decided at its 30th Session to research the possibilities of a joint Reference and Classification Centre. The activity, led by UNFPA, the United Nations Secretariat and UNOPS, resulted in a proposal to create a Joint Centre for Classification and Reference Checking, endorsed at the 32nd HR Network meeting. On March 2017, HLCM decided to establish a Global Centre as a common shared service centre, co-located with the UNDP United Nations Volunteers (UNV) with an administrative anchor in Bonn, Germany. OneHR eventually launched on January 2018, starting with job classification activities and then adding reference checks.
OneHR is a network of United Nations organizations working together to offer advisory services for cost effective and risk-informed acquisition and management of talent across the United Nations System. OneHR provides services in the areas of organization design, job classification and reference checking and verification. All administrative decisions remain with the client organization, within its existing accountability framework. The centre operates through a virtual network of specialized HR professionals providing services under a common operational umbrella.
OneHR offers enhanced pre-screening functions, which will save hiring managers time and standardize the processes around classification and reference checking. Consolidating knowledge assets across the United Nations System will dramatically improve the quality of job design and evaluation, and, expedite these processes for HR professionals. Consolidating reference verification history of personnel working in the United Nations System reduces duplication of efforts across the system and ensures systemwide adherence to new UN standards. These improvements will better support the effort of the United Nations to attract a truly diverse workforce, to attract the highest quality candidates, and deliver on the promise of gender parity.
The services of OneHR is made possible through the development of a first-generation case management tool. The OneHR information technology design team convened technical colleagues from all founding members of OneHR to co-design the client relationship management (CRM) solution for OneHR, including the design and execution of all templates, system-generated correspondence, and interfaces.
During 2018, the OneHR Service Centre processed 1.150 (2.2020 in 2019) Job Classification cases, coming from several organizations – including the UN Secretariat, UNDP, UNFPA, ICAO, UNCCD, UNESCO and UNCDF. The services offered varied from an individual job classification to organizational design services and had an overall value of $238.000. Reference verification ranges from basic – employment and academic record, professional references and UN Databases verification – to advanced, which includes deeper investigation on the subjects of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA). During the course of 2018, more than 1.500 cases (same amount in 2019) were evaluated, for a value of more than $450.000.
Much work is being performed, including additional workshops and outreach efforts, the implementation of a client relationship management system, and expansion of reference verification scope.
- Shifting the management paradigm in the United Nations: ensuring a better future for all - Report of the Secretary-General (A/72/492)
- Summary of Conclusions of the HLCM at its 32th session (CEB/2016/5)
- Summary of Conclusions of the HR Network at its 34th session (CEB/2017/HLCM/HR/189)
- Summary of Conclusions of the HLCM at its 33th session (CEB/2017/39)
OneHR webpage