Total Revenue


The financial statistics revenue pages provide accessible disaggregated data on all funding sources to the United Nations system. The UN system is the name given to a complex group of organizations, institutions and entities.

Standard I. UN entity - prescribes which United Nations entities should have their data included in the United Nations system-wide financial data reporting exercises based on the latest version of the United Nations system chart, and provides a harmonized base for comprehensive collection of financial data of the "UN family”.

The below bar chart shows the trend of total revenue received by the UN system for the years represented. The number of reporting entities has increased over the years in compliance with Standard I (for more details please refer to the Notes to the Financial Statistics pages).

How to Navigate the page

Besides the displays shown below, alternative views of the data are made available in the drop-down menu. The chart is interactive, please click on the year of interest to display the reporting entities on the table. The filter can be removed by clicking once again on the corresponding year. Data and chart are available for download at the bottom of this page.

Total Revenue by Year



All values are in USD.

Year Total revenue