Expenses by Geographic location



This page shows entities’ total expenses disaggregated by country and region based on location of beneficiary. 

Standard III- Geographical location - defines the geographical locations (global, regions, countries and areas) under which financial information must be reported, as well as provides guidance for the allocation of expenses to these locations. 

There is a transitionary period for full implementation of this standard until 31 December 2021, reporting under this standard will be mandatory for all organizations in 2022. During transition, entities have allocated expenses to sub-regions and to the global and interregional location where not possible to map by country.  

Notes to the Financial Statistics pages 


How to Navigate the page

Besides the displays shown below, alternative views of the data are made available in the drop-down menu. The chart is interactive, please click on the year of interest to display the reporting entities on the table. Mouseover or click on a country to show its data/details. Click on the selected country again to zoom out the map or choose another country. The filter can be removed by clicking once again on the corresponding year. Data and charts are available for download at the bottom of this page.

  • UN System Statistics




Mouseover or click on a country to show its data/details. Mouseover or click on a point to show the details of a city/town. Click on the elected country again to zoom out the map or choose another country.