After-Service Health Insurance
The inter-agency Working Group on After-Service Health Insurance (ASHI) was established by the Secretary-General under the auspices of the Finance and Budget Network of HLCM to undertake a survey of health insurance plans across the system and explore efficiency and cost containment options, pursuant to GA resolution 68/244. The Working Group comprised representatives of 18 United Nations system entities. Representatives of the Coordinating Committee for International Staff Unions and Associations of the United Nations System, the Federation of Associations of Former International Civil Servants and the Federation of International Civil Servants’ Associations also participated in the work of the Working Group, on behalf of the body of active and retired staff members.
The working group covered, among other things:
- Overview of health insurance covering active and retired staff members across the UN system, and their dependent family members, as well as insight regarding the status of ASHI liabilities across the system.
- Collective negotiations with the third-party administrators of the health insurance plans of agencies of the UN system.
- Underwriting of reviews and negotiations with insurers.
- Incorporation into agencies’ health insurance plans of provisions related to primary coverage under national health insurance schemes.
- Standardization of the ASHI liability valuation methodology and of key valuation factors across the system.
- Funding of the United Nations ASHI liability.
- Insurance-related harmonization opportunities in support of inter-agency mobility.
Managing after-service health insurance liabilities - Report of the SG - Dec 2015 (A/70/590)
PDF | 426.44 KB
Managing after-service health insurance - Report of the SG - Dec 2016 (A/71/698)
PDF | 571.87 KB
Managing after-service health insurance - Report of the SG - Dec 2018 (includes recommendations of the WG) (A/73/662)
PDF | 858.56 KB