Medical standards and medical examinations

(1)     At the 14th session (April 1953: CO-ORDINATION/R.142, paras. 51-54) CCAQ considered a Joint Staff Pension Board (JSPB) request that all organizations should apply the medical standards of the Joint Staff Pension Fund (JSPF) for employment purposes. The Committee noted that the general practice in most organizations, including UN, conformed to the recommendations of the Board, but that exceptions were admitted where circumstances made it highly desirable to obtain the services of an individual although classed in medical category II or III of the Fund. Regarding personnel already employed under standards different from those of the Fund, and who were classified in categories II or III, it was the general opinion that this alone should not automatically constitute grounds for termination.

(2)     At the 15th session (April 1954: CO-ORDINATION/R.162, para. 37) CCAQ considered resolution 2 (IV) of the Board on medical criteria for employment and pension classification. The Committee agreed that the standards established by the Board were for the purpose of determining admissibility to the Fund, and that the medical standards for employment in the organizations would not necessarily be the same.

(3)     At the second part of the 22nd session (July 1961: CO-ORDINATION/R.373, para. 21) CCAQ agreed that (i) dependants proceeding at official expense to the "designated area" in West Africa should be required to produce a certificate of medical fitness, and (ii) that periodical medical examinations should be made of staff serving in the area.

(4)     At the 24th session (March 1963: CO-ORDINATION/R.430, para. 45) CCAQ agreed that "exit" medical examinations should be required for all staff leaving an organization on separation or on leave without pay for more than one year, provided they had served for one year or more. (See also CO-ORDINATION/CC.24/5.)

(5)     At its 18th session (July 1983) ICSC agreed that organizations should reimburse the cost of basic medical examinations of family members accompanying staff assigned to certain countries where the majority of duty stations are classified as having adverse health conditions (9th annual report, A/38/30, para. 123).

(6)     On the basis of proposals by CCAQ at its 69th session (July 1988: ACC/1988/12, paras. 59-62), ICSC at its 28th session set the maximum reimbursement for medical examinations for eligible dependants at duty stations with adverse health conditions at 75 per cent of that for staff members; effective 1 September 1988 it would be payable for each dependant, once within a two-year period or on reassignment, whichever came sooner (A/43/30, paras. 84, 86).

(7)     Under the terms of the new mobility and hardship package introduced on 1 July 1990 on the recommendation of ICSC (General Assembly resolution 44/198) the entitlement to time off for medical check-ups for staff at designated duty stations, which had been part of earlier hardship arrangements, ceased to exist (A/44/30, vol. II, para. 301; see section 3.4 paras. (13) and (16)).

(8)     In the course of a review of measures to implement the new mobility and hardship package, CCAQ at its 72nd session (February-March 1990: ACC/1990/4, para. 60) agreed that existing arrangements for reimbursing the cost of medical examinations for the family members of staff assigned to designated duty stations should remain in place. It also referred to the Medical Directors three proposals to facilitate proper medical attention in cases where staff would no longer qualify for time off for medical check-ups (ibid., para. 57; see para. (7) above).

(9)     Following a report by the Medical Directors calling attention to different practices in providing exit medical examinations to staff, CCAQ at the same session (ibid., para. 136) reaffirmed the decision it had taken in 1963 (see para. (4) above).

(10)     At its 74th session (March 1991: ACC/1991/5, paras. 155-157) CCAQ considered a series of recommendations on the impact of HIV/AIDS on the UN system's personnel and operational policy, formulated at a meeting of the inter-agency advisory group on AIDS (IAAG). Noting that the recommendations were intended to establish the UN system as a model employer in this regard, CCAQ endorsed, with one modification, all of them except those concerned with HIV screening of participants in UN system activities, which were being reviewed again by WHO. The text agreed by CCAQ was later approved by ACC (decision 1991/10).

(11)     At its 78th session (March 1993: ACC/1993/6, paras. 114-118) CCAQ took note of a paper by its secretariat on the status of the UN system personnel and operational policy in respect of HIV/AIDS, to which organizations had responded positively. The Committee reviewed a text for inclusion in vacancy notices alerting candidates to the practice of some countries to require HIV testing and agreed it should only be used for posts in such countries. The Committee also suggested that the Medical Directors should meet with a representative of the WHO Global Programme for Aids to discuss problems in the area of pre-employment testing and to consider reviewing the overall medical standards to ensure a uniform approach among organizations.

(12)     At its 81st session (June 1994: ACC/1994/14, paras. 158-164) the Committee reviewed the current medical standards at the request of the UN Medical Director and the WHO Director of Personnel. Some concern had been expressed that the policy of not excluding candidates infected with HIV was unfair to those who, because of other illnesses or disabilities, were deemed to be unfit for employment. A working group set up by the Medical Directors would meet in September to review again the medical standards currently being applied and to discuss the need to formalize the standards through their endorsement by an appropriate administrative authority. The Committee agreed to review them with a view to their later endorsement by ACC. The Committee also agreed with the Medical Director that contractual extensions should not normally be subject to medical clearance.

(13)     At its 82nd session (April: ACC/1995/5, para. 162) the Committee welcomed the request of the UN Medical Director for CCAQ(PER) to review the administrative issues in the reports of the Medical Directors meetings and to disseminate them to human resources specialists in the common system.

(14)     At the second part of its 83rd session (September 1995: ACC/1995/19, paras. 114-115) CCAQ considered a note by FICSA with respect to perceived discrepancies in the implementation of the ACC policy on HIV/AIDS, proposing a series of measures to ensure greater UN system-wide understanding and adherence to the policy. The Committee agreed that its secretariat should draw the attention of organizations to their responsibilities in respect of the implementation of the ACC policy and that the views of the Medical Directors and of the IAAG should be sought in respect of the matters raised in FICSA's note.

(15)     At its 85th session (July 1996: ACC/1996/14, paras. 58-62) CCAQ, after considering a note prepared by WHO on the status of a study of current practices within the UN system regarding the purpose of medical clearance and the views of the Medical Directors of the United Nations Organizations on their responsibility for setting UN medical standards, recognised the difficulty in achieving the delicate balance among competing socio-political and managerial considerations and did not feel it was in a position to pronounce on the issue before the broader issues were evaluated, in particular, the impact of potential changes on the UNJSPF and health insurance schemes. CCAQ agreed to keep the matter under study and requested WHO to continue to work on the economic and financial aspects of a revised policy.

(16)     At its 87th session (July 1997: ACC/1997/13, paras. 54-56) CCAQ reviewed a research proposal to enable the organizations to quantify the likely impact on the benefit and insurance packages administered by the common system of different policies regarding the recruitment of new staff with certain chronic or progressive and/or life-threatening diseases and alternative scenarios regarding the incidence of such diseases among existing staff as the second part of the Committee's review of common system medical standards. CCAQ agreed to provide financial support applying the normal cost-sharing formula.

(17)     At its 88th session (April 1998: ACC/1998/5, para. 49) CCAQ took note of a UNICEF report on initiatives in support of the growing numbers of staff and families affected by HIV/AIDS and requested UNICEF to present further details of progress in the matter at its next session.

(18)     At its 89th session (July 1998: ACC/1998/9, para. 49) CCAQ expressed support for the efforts of UNICEF to address the problems of HIV/AIDS and agreed that interested organizations should review with UNICEF how they might participate in these initiatives.

(19)     At its 90th session (April 1999: ACC/1999/5, para. 33) CCAQ took note of a report (ACC/1999/PER/R.7) prepared on behalf of the UN Medical Directors in respect of the medical standards for employment and concurred with the Medical Directors' findings that the exceptional arrangements for the medical clearance in respect of HIV/AIDS should continue but should be carefully monitored. The Committee requested organizations - especially those with a field structure - to continue to encourage voluntary testing, whilst making clear that HIV status would not affect the staff member's employment. It looked forward to receiving as soon as possible the assessment of actuarial impact being prepared by consultants engaged by WHO and being financed through inter-agency arrangements and requested the Medical Directors and WHO to take account of actuarial and other studies developed by Member States, insurance companies, etc., relating to the interrelationship of medical testing and the cost implications on social security schemes.

(20)     At its 91st session (July 1999: ACC/1999/13, para. 12) CCAQ took note of information provided by WHO that the study on medical standards had been circulated to organizations' health insurance experts for review and comments. Thereafter, the actuarial analysis would be prepared and circulated to the Committee for review.

(21)     At the same session (ibid., para. 14) the Committee took action on the request of ACC to report on policy level considerations and joint action needed in respect of staff and their dependants living with HIV/AIDS and concurred with the secretariat's proposal that a small contact group be created to work urgently on proposals to be circulated to CCAQ members by correspondence prior to submission to ACC at its October 1999 session; the contact group would comprise CCAQ secretariat (as Convenor), UNAIDS, WHO, UNDG and representatives of the UN Medical Directors, FICSA and CCISUA. The Committee was fully aware of the complexity of the issue and of the many interrelated elements which would need to be reviewed by the contact group. In addition, the Committee underlined the importance of including in the contact group's work programme consideration of many other elements and was conscious that the review of policy and action in respect of staff and dependants living with HIV/AIDS was also pertinent to the wider issue of staff living with other chronic, life threatening diseases and other severe medical conditions. It expressed its appreciation to UNAIDS for the production of an updated booklet on "AIDS and HIV Infection: Information for United Nations Employees and their Families," which would be circulated to all staff in all organizations and requested organizations to work with UNAIDS to ensure that funds were made available for the translation of the booklet into French and Spanish at the earliest possible opportunity.

(22)     At its 92nd session (March 2000: ACC/2000/5, paras. 1 & 19) CCAQ reviewed the Report of the CCAQ Task Force on UN Staff and Dependents living with HIV/AIDS (ACC/2000/PER/R.3 & Add. 1-3) and expressed appreciation to the members of the Task Force and those associated with the development of the report to ACC. It decided to confirm to ACC that it:

     (a)     endorsed all the recommendations put forward by the Task Force;

     (b)     noted also a number of additional initiatives being taken by organizations to support staff and their dependants living with HIV/AIDS, including (i)the categorization by WHO of countries/locations according to the degree of blood safety and guidelines to the UN Joint Medical Services thereon, (ii) workshops to train UN Dispensary staff to take advantage of community-based health care and (iii) the development of regular discussion sessions or retreats for all staff in field locations using the in-country theme groups;

     (c)     underlined the importance of taking a proactive approach to this issue within the framework of organizations' work/life policies and in this context of (i)providing clear, up to date information on prevention, together with access to prophylactics, including condoms, and (ii)ensuring that minimum standards of care, access to treatment and counselling were available;

     (d)     supported actions to harmonize practices both in respect of health insurance schemes and the coverage of staff under all types of contractual arrangements under those insurance schemes;

     (e)     recommended that the Guidance Note for UN Resident Coordinators also formally be despatched to the heads of organizations who participate in the Resident Coordinator Team and in this context that CCPOQ collect and maintain examples of best practices in field offices; and

     (f)     requested its secretariat, in pursuing the feasibility study on the development of a UN web health site, to ensure that all existing web-based resources were incorporated in order to avoid duplication and in particular to continue to liaise with the World Bank in respect of the contacts that they had established with medical counselling groups.

(23)     At the same session (ibid., paras. 20-22) the Committee took note of information provided by WHO in a document (ACC/2000/PER/R.4) which provided an overview of the study on medical standards and a synopsis of the pre-final study on the impact of revised medical standards on financing staff benefit plans. It was informed that organizations' responses to the request in 1998 to provide data on morbidity patterns and costs were too fragmentary to be meaningfully incorporated into the study; consequently, to date the study had focussed on WHO's medical insurance plan. In the next stage, the collaboration of an organization with a significant field presence would be important in order to examine the relevance of the scenarios set out in the study.

(24)     The Committee was also informed that a forthcoming meeting of the UN medical advisers would inter alia discuss the cost effectiveness of undertaking medical examinations prior to recruitment on the current across-the-board basis. The medical advisers would be taking account of the impact of legislation regarding non-discrimination in relation to the disabled. In view of this and of the upcoming ACC discussion on HIV/AIDS, which was expected to focus also on the issue of the need to harmonize health insurance schemes, the Committee decided to await the outcome of the medical advisers' meeting so as to consider all dimensions of the issue and include health related issues on the agenda of its 93rd session.

(25)     At its first meeting (June 2001: ACC/2001/HLCM/7, paras. 35-36) the Human Resources (HR) Network examined the outcomes of the Task Force on UN Staff and their Dependants Living with HIV/AIDS in the light of ACC's conclusions on the issue and noted that considerable progress had been achieved in a number of areas, notably the PEP Initiative, the system-wide distribution of the UNAIDS booklet, the development of training modules to accompany the dissemination of the booklet and monitoring of implementation of the HIV/AIDS policy by each organization. It expressed appreciation for the extra-budgetary financing of an intern by UNAIDS and UNICEF, who had greatly enhanced the secretariat's capacity to intensify efforts to promote the issue of HIV/AIDS in the UN System workplace, and underlined that, in times of limited resources, inter-agency collaboration and the forging of external partnerships was crucial to the progress and success of interventions aimed at preventing HIV infection among staff and providing treatment and care to those infected.

(26)     The Network noted that, based on the results of the most recent inquiry completed by the ACC secretariat, several areas of concern had been identified, in particular with regard to:

     (a)     limited staff awareness with regard to pension and health insurance entitlements,

     (b)     limited evaluation of HIV/AIDS training programmes and information sessions,

     (c)     limited knowledge on the availability and location of certain resources (counselling and testing services, PEP kits, etc.),

     (d)     adequacy of access to care and treatment, particularly in areas where there was a high prevalence of the disease and

     (e)     the need to determine if all staff were adequately insured.

(27)     The Network urged organizations to ensure that all available materials were distributed throughout their organizations, both at headquarters and at field locations, and reiterated the request that the booklet "AIDS and HIV Infection" be made available on their respective Intranet sites. It also urged the ACC secretariat, together with the Task Force, to explore all channels of funding including UNFIP so that work could proceed in the areas that had been identified as requiring urgent action, namely:(a) formal training of administrative staff in matters relating to HIV/AIDS in the workplace, (b) accelerating access to care and treatment for all UN staff and their dependants, (c) enhancing the dissemination of HIV/AIDS information to UN system staff, (d) sustaining efforts to coordinate inter-agency collaboration and (e) harmonizing, to the extent feasible, health insurance arrangements to ensure that all staff, regardless of locale and job category, were adequately insured against devastating illness.

(28)     At its April 2002 meeting (CEB/2002/HLCM/8, paras. 19-20) the HR Network, further to ACC's review of the issue of UN system staff and their dependants living with HIV/AIDS and the conclusions reached, examined the outcomes of the Task Force and recognized that a milestone at the policy level was achieved with publication of the ILO Code of Practice on HIV/AIDS. The code was a reaffirmation of the UN System personnel policy and gave further impetus to the UN system to respond to this important occupational health issue. The Network noted the tendency to place focus on the medical side of the problem at the expense of other crucial interventions (e.g. policy implementation and monitoring, awareness-raising, training and prevention) and that progress had been achieved in a number of areas including inter alia reinforcement of the PEP Initiative, system-wide distribution of a CD-ROM, "HIV/AIDS in the UN System Workplace," enrollment by some organizations of staff members in a one-year postgraduate course in the Management of HIV/AIDS in the Work of Work given by the Medical University of South Africa, several projects which were underway to support access to care and a preliminary study on the question of health insurance coverage. It emphasized that in a time of limited resources and shrinking budgets, inter-agency collaboration was paramount for progress and the success of interventions aimed at preventing HIV-infection among staff and providing treatment and care to those infected.

(29)     The HR Network endorsed the proposals of the Task Force to pursue through appropriate channels the following future actions:

     (a)     Reaffirmation of the UN system personnel policy on HIV/AIDS, specifically by: (i)the appointment of focal points on HIV/AIDS in the UN workplace at country, regional and global levels; (ii) communication by each Executive Head on an annual basis, re-stating firmly their commitment to providing a supportive and caring environment to UN staff members and their families, and highlighting any actions taken to ensure full implementation of the UN Personnel Policy on HIV/AIDS; (iii) ensuring HIV/AIDS in the workplace was a regular item on the agenda of senior management meetings (e.g. global/regional meetings of Representatives); and (iv) regular monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of existing guidelines: the UN system policy itself, the Guidance Note for the Resident Coordinator System: HIV/AIDS in the UN workplace, and the guidelines on Confidentiality Management.

     (b)     Continuation of inter-agency collaboration and coordination to avoid duplication and create synergy, specifically by financing a full-time coordination post within the CEB Secretariat to ensure continuity.

     (c)     Continuation and expansion of awareness-raising and training programmes, specifically by: (i) earmarking resources for the development of interactive educational programmes on HIV/AIDS for staff members and managers; and (ii) providing adequate financial support to UN Medical Services for the development and maintenance of an anonymous, interactive information system, i.e., a Healthnet website, addressing a range of issues, including confidentiality, rights, insurance, etc.

     (d)     Development and implementation of appropriate care and support programmes, specifically by: (i) monitoring local progress in each duty station with respect to making HIV/AIDS treatment and care available and affordable to ensure provision of optimum services to UN staff; (ii) ensuring the financing of the PEP project on an ongoing basis so that all staff in all duty stations have timely access; (iii) establishing support groups in country offices, where required; (iv) supporting the review of the role of UN Medical dispensaries in prevention and care activities for staff and dependants, with a view toward setting minimum standards and documenting best practices; (v) encouraging voluntary counseling and testing; and (vi) training UN physicians and nurses on HIV management.

     (e)     Working towards harmonization of health insurance coverage for national staff within the UN system to reduce perception of inequity, specifically by: (i) emphasizing the urgency and importance of addressing this issue in a coordinated and timely fashion; and (ii) urging all organizations to review contractual status and insurance coverage of staff members under short term contracts, Service Agreements, etc., and to identify, where possible, national insurance or care systems for staff under these types of contracts.

(30)      At its March 2003 meeting (CEB/2003/HLCM/12, para. 19) the HR Network reviewed a progress report on the work of the Task Force on HIV/AIDS in the UN System Workplace and on the implementation of its personnel policy on HIV/AIDS since March 2002 (CEB/2003/HLCM/9 and Addenda) and expressed its appreciation for the dedication of the members of the Task Force to this important issue. It endorsed the new terms of reference for the Task Force and its work plan for 2003. It reviewed the IAAG recommendations and requested that in the future its Task Force coordinate and provide its guidance to the Network on the recommendations of other groups working in this area in order to steer activities in an effective way. It also noted that a human resources policy specialist from the ILO would be closely associated with the work concerning monitoring the ILO's Code of Practice on HIV/AIDS so as to avoid duplication especially when requesting information from organizations.

(31)     At its July 2004 meeting (CEB/2004/HLCM/25, para. 27) the HR Network welcomed a presentation from UNAIDS on the progress of the work of the HR Network Working Group on HIV/AIDS in the Workplace. The report highlighted the following:

     (a)     A number of tangible products were now available such as a workplace logo, a revised booklet on HIV/AIDS, a learning strategy, website, Post Exposure Prophylaxes (PEP) kits distributed across the world, ACTION report, including guidelines for access to care and support, awareness cards, the first cut of the training video, and draft monitoring indicators;

     (b)     The future work plan of the Working Group included the implementation of a number of activities, including the dissemination of information, workshops for facilitators, production of a CD ROM, training packages for specialists, HR and line managers; completion of a training video and finalization of the monitoring indicators;

     (c)     The underlying challenge of ensuring adequate insurance coverage which was linked to the contractual status of staff; some organizations had made significant progress in this area, but the need for an across the board approach should be raised with HLCM;

     (d)     That there was consensus on the usefulness and power of a video as a means of conveying the message of a caring workplace and stimulating discussion around issues of stigma and discrimination; a zero tolerance policy should be implemented; and

     (e)     Recognition that while policy and tools were both available, the challenge was one of leadership and accountability to ensure implementation; HR was a key partner in the response, however, others such as Executive Heads, programme managers and staff associations needed also to see this as a larger issue linked to the mission of organizations by serving as a role model to the world.

(32)     The HR Network expressed appreciation for the work of UNAIDS and all members of the Working Group on this issue and took note of the progress that had been achieved. It recognized the need to work together at the inter agency level, both at headquarters and in the field, which was emphasized by the need to tailor initiatives to cultural, gender and local realities, including language. It reiterated the relevance and importance of the issue for the entire UN workforce, both at headquarters or field locations and recognized the effectiveness of inter agency cooperation and work on this issue especially given resource constraints. The Network noted that while progress made at the global level was applauded, it was also recognized that individual organizations had much work to do in carrying forward initiatives. It recognized the important role that HR had to play, in the sharing of information, the development of communication strategies and the need to make Executive Heads and line managers accountable and called on all organizations to sensitize managers to this issue through leadership and management development programmes.

(33)     At its February 2005 meeting (CEB/2005/HLCM/8, para. 22) the HR Network considered an Information Note presented by the representative of UNAIDS and reiterated the importance the Network attached to the issue of HIV and AIDS in the UN System workplace and to the continued close collaboration on all aspects relating to dealing with it. It endorsed the Task Force's proposed workplan for 2005, which would focus on a number of activities at the policy, prevention and care, support and treatment levels and took note with appreciation of the progress reports provided by the United Nations, UNFPA, UNDP, WFP, UNICEF, UNHCR and UNIDO. The Network agreed to the organization of an orientation session, to be given by UNAIDS, in connection with the next meeting of the HR Network in July 2005.

(34)     At its July 2005 meeting (CEB/2005/HLCM/27, para. 27) the HR Network organized an orientation session on “HIV and AIDS in the UN system workplace” and agreed to the following commitments for the year: (a) ensuring that HR professionals were properly prepared to support policy implementation on HIV by organizing mandatory training for all HR staff, including administrative staff in different locations; (b) HR leaders should be role models respect to advocating for HIV in the UN workplace. HR Leaders committed to lead by example by: (i) attending orientation sessions themselves; (ii) encouraging and giving the time during working hours for their staff to participate in orientation sessions and (iii) including HIV in the Workplace on their agenda; (c) members of the Network would review insurance coverage to ensure that care and treatment for HIV and AIDS were available for all personnel. This would be done in a concerted inter-agency effort, based on facts and financial analysis; and (d) systems to monitor, evaluate and report on HIV initiatives would be set up by individual agencies and would include monitoring of, for example, the number of managers trained and the number of staff who attended learning. This information would be regularly reported back to senior management in order to engage in an ongoing dialogue and would also be fed back to staff.

(35) At its eleventh session (CEB/2006/HLCM/12, paras.42-47) and in relation to the UN Cares programme addressing the issues of HIV and AIDS in the workplace, the HR Network expressed its full support for the programme and a move towards addressing the issue in a coherent fashion across organisations. It agreed to appoint a Global Coordinator to drive the process on and that both the Global Coordinator and the UN Cares programme be located in the CEB Secretariat.  It also agreed that UN Cares action plan and Terms of Reference be reviewed at the HR Network’s 12th session in July 2006.

(36) At its twelfth session (CEB/2006/HLCM/17, paras.34-39), with regard to the UN Cares programme concerned with AIDS/HIV in the workplace, the HR Network agreed upon the current transition period until 2007, although it cautioned the Task Force to consider sustainability after 2007; endorsed the UN Cares workplan, Terms of Reference of the UN Cares Global Coordinator and the name change of the Inter-agency Human Resources Task Force on HIV to UN Cares Task Force; endorsed the secondment of the UNFPA Representative on the Task Force for the duration of the transition period; and agreed to review a progress report on the implementation of the UN Cares programme at its 30th Session in 2007. 

(37) At its 14th session (CEB/2007/6, paras.119-120), HLCM endorsed the minimum standards, approved the UN Cares programme and agreed that the global coordination for the programme would remain in New York, hosted by UNFPA.  Furthermore, it endorsed the implementation strategy within the resources available based on voluntary contributions committed by organizations. 

(38) At the same meeting, the Committee noted with appreciation the commitment by some organizations to provide funding at a later stage, through their 2010-2011 budgets, and encouraged all HLCM members to address the issue of HIV/AIDS in the workplace with the necessary attention.

(39) At the fifteenth session of the HR Network (CEB/2008/HLCM/HR/17, paras. 49-50), HLCM re-iterated its support for the UN Cares Programme. strongly encouraged organizations to commit financial resources for the continuation of this Programme in their budgets for the biennium 2010-2011, and requested the UN Cares Global Coordinator to submit formal letters towards this end to HLCM member organizations.

(40) At its fifteenth session (CEB/2008/3, paras. 88-99), HLCM  re-iterating its support for the UN Cares Programme, strongly encouraged organizations to commit financial resources for the continuation of this Programme in their budgets for the biennium 2010-2011, and requested the UN Cares Global Coordinator to submit formal letters towards this end to HLCM member organizations.

(41) At the sixteenth session in New York (CEB/2008/HLCM/HR/35, paras. 91-93), the HR Network:
o    Thanked the UN Cares Global Coordinator for the continued efforts and progress made and expressed its appreciation to UNFPA for all its support;
o    Fully supported the proposed budget based on the 50 percent scenario;
o    Requested the Global Coordinator to submit a budget for 2010-2011 for the Network’s endorsement prior to submission to HLCM in September 2008;
o    Noted the UN’s concern about its ability to fund its contribution in full, since it has again been asked to present a zero-growth budget;
o    Stressed the need to coordinate this programme with the “Delivering as One” effort.

(42) At its seventeenth session (CEB/2009/HLCM/HR/27, para. 56), the HR Network was briefed by the UN Cares representative on regional developments, the implementation of workshops, the collection of funds and the distribution of the UN Cares newsletter; Thanked the UN Cares team for the work undertaken and continues to support the programme in 2009; Reminded those organizations that have not done so, to commit funds for the 2010-2011 biennium as per approved cost-sharing formula.  A formal commitment is required by the end of April 2009.
(43) At its eighteenth session (CEB/2009/HLCM/HR/46/Rev.1, paras.38-40), the HR Network thanked Dr. Davey for the very informative briefing and stated that it was crucial for the HR Network and the Medical Directors Group to work closely together on issues being reviewed by the medical group as these had implications on HR issues as well. The medical system of the UN is quite complex and cumbersome, with medical staff reporting to a variety of supervisors and authorities. The system is being streamlined and will change its modus operandi at Headquarters level from providing medical services as a primary health care provider to focusing mainly on occupational health in conjunction with the local health system. In the field it will remain service oriented.

(44) At its eighteenth session (CEB/2009/HLCM/HR/46/Rev.1, paras.59-60), the HR Network re-iterated the primary importance of UN Cares and the need for organizations to commit the assessed funds for the next biennium. Due to the current financial situation, some organizations could not possibly provide any additional support, as had been the case in the past. The Network suggested that the programme establish sound links both with the Medical Doctors working group and with the Staff/Stress Counsellors Group.

(45) At its eighteenth session (CEB/2009/HLCM/HR/46/Rev.1, paras.75-76), on the issue of version 2 (dated 30 April 2009) of the Administrative Guidelines for an Influenza Pandemic situation, the HR Network requested to add the need to identify criteria for ‘critical missions’ and means to deal with hazard pay for medical staff and and agreed to have a full HR Network Videoconference to be held mid-July, so that the document can be finalised by early August 2009.

(46) At its eighteenth session (CEB/2009/6, paras.59-62), HLCM encouraged members to positively consider funding to the UN Cares and Dual Career & Staff Mobility Programmes, to facilitate project management decisions for both Programmes and ensure a sound return on the investments already made.

(47) At its nineteenth session (CEB/2010/HLCM/HR/18, paras.62-63), the HR Network thanked the Medical Group for the presentation and proposals and supported the Occupational Health and Safety Policy proposed by the Medical Directors Group. 

(48) At its nineteenth session (CEB/2010/HLCM/HR/18, paras.88-89), the HR Network welcomed the report from UN Cares Global Coordinator; Agreed to include this issue when revising the next biannual budget so that staff posts for this programme can be maintained at the global level; And reiterated its commitment to the UN Cares programme which includes working towards implementing it at the country level. 

(49) At its nineteenth session (CEB/2010/3, paras.77-80), HLCM endorsed the Occupational Health and Safety Policy proposed by the Medical Directors Working Group and urged all organisations to develop policies on Occupational Health and Safety utilising the principles outlined in the proposal.

(50) At its twentieth session (CEB/2010/HLCM/HR/35, paras.104-106), the HR Network unanimously supported the strategy for the continuation of the UN Cares programme and praised its good work and the well-deserved Special Commendation in the context of the UN 21 Awards as well as urged all organizations that had not yet provided their contributions for the 2010-2011 biennium to do so at the earliest possible time.

(51) At its twentieth session (CEB/2010/5, paras.122-130), HLCM took note of the briefing from the HR Network and strongly urged all those organizations that had not yet provided their contribution to the HLCM-approved budgets of the UN Cares programme.

(52) At its twenty first session (CEB/2011/HLCM/HR/9, paras.54-60), the HR Network thanked the UN Cares Global Coordinator and her team for their good work and the achievements of the programme, including the Special Commendation in the context of the UN 21 Awards; Endorsed the Stigma Fuels HIV Campaign; Agreed to discuss the programme’s long- and medium-term strategies at its 2012 Spring session; As well as agreed to write a letter from the Chairs to support Ms. Pollard in her quest to obtain the UN Secretariat contribution to UN Cares for the current and next biennia.

  • Human Resources Network (HRN)